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So far admin has created 17 blog entries.

Writing An Effective CV (Series 4/4)


In our final part on writing an effective CV, we present another two tips: 5. Making the most of your experience When listing your work history and experience, focus on the most recent first, and make sure your dates are chronologically correct. It is best to use assertive and positive language, [...]

Writing An Effective CV (Series 4/4)2017-02-15T23:10:47+08:00

Writing An Effective CV (Series 3/4)


We continue our series with the next few tips. 3. 2 to 3 A4 pages are enough You don’t need pages and pages of paper to demonstrate your capabilities. The hirer is likely impatient with a stack of other CVs to go through. List the main responsibilities and main achievements in [...]

Writing An Effective CV (Series 3/4)2017-02-13T23:15:18+08:00

Writing An Effective CV (Series 2/4)


To write an effective CV, it is best that these tips are adhered to: 1. Get your basics right There are no rights or wrongs when writing a CV but there are some significant sections you should cover. These include: personal and contact information educational qualifications work history/experience industry and products [...]

Writing An Effective CV (Series 2/4)2017-02-13T23:14:20+08:00

Writing An Effective CV (Series 1/4)


Typically, a hirer spends under a minute flipping through a CV and makes that quick decision. To shortlist or to bin the applicant.To enhance the chance of landing that dream job, the role of the CV is a critical one.To enhance the chance of landing that dream job, the role of [...]

Writing An Effective CV (Series 1/4)2017-02-13T23:14:45+08:00

Essential Qualities of a Nurse Manager


The stresses and pressures endured by Nurse Managers are more acute in the healthcare sector than in any other industry. Few industries are under such close scrutiny and the Nurse Manager is held accountable for every action that takes place in her unit. While a good nurse is promoted based on her [...]

Essential Qualities of a Nurse Manager2017-02-13T22:42:33+08:00

Planning Your Resignation


Resigning from your job can be a stressful experience and it is important to have planned your exit so you do not forget important things as you are in the process of leaving your employer. Clean Up Your Computer. Clean up your computer even before you give notice because your employer [...]

Planning Your Resignation2017-02-13T22:38:58+08:00

Resume Writing Tips for Healthcare Professionals


Jobs for healthcare professionals are aplenty. In fact, healthcare related jobs are mostly resilient to economic downturns. With many hospitals and medical centers developing in the region and the growing elderly population, healthcare professionals are highly sought after. Nevertheless, employers are not lowering their expectations and requirements to ensure they get [...]

Resume Writing Tips for Healthcare Professionals2017-02-13T22:36:39+08:00
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