Five Steps for Companies to Rebuild Trust During the COVID-19 Pandemic


It is now into the 3rd year of the COVID-19 pandemic, still without a clear end in sight. During this time, companies made difficult decisions about whether staff should work from home, wear masks in the office, get vaccinated and regularly tested. Some are even staying within the workplace during the challenging periods. Many [...]

Five Steps for Companies to Rebuild Trust During the COVID-19 Pandemic2022-05-19T16:57:04+08:00

COVID-19 Pandemic & Healthcare Landscape


COVID-19 Pandemic & Healthcare Landscape In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries’ healthcare systems have come under great strain, in particular Asia and some countries in the region. Economies are adversely affected with businesses forced to transform to adapt to the pandemic.  The healthcare landscape has been completely transformed. From prevention through [...]

COVID-19 Pandemic & Healthcare Landscape2021-09-28T21:46:58+08:00

Onboarding of Healthcare Professionals in China


Onboarding of Healthcare Professionals in China Now, you have selected and offered the cross-border clinician who will be coming to your organization to work soon, bringing great value as a world expert in the field of practice. It took many months of intense talent acquisition efforts to reach this point. Having lived, trained and worked [...]

Onboarding of Healthcare Professionals in China2020-06-11T15:05:12+08:00

Battle with Covid19: Fret Not for Jobs


The Covid19 pandemic has forced to shape our education differently in a short span of 3 months since January 2020. The traditional face to face learning space has evolved into virtual learning. Many adult learners, children, and even enrichment centres are using platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and NearPods to keep education [...]

Battle with Covid19: Fret Not for Jobs2020-05-06T22:11:56+08:00

Emotional health and COVID19


The new COVID-19 virus has resulted in major disruptions to commercial and personal affairs over the world. From the fears over the infection to transportation bans, it would appear this infection has touched many aspects of our lives. In particular for businesses, it can impact the emotional well being of the staff. We can draw [...]

Emotional health and COVID192020-03-05T10:48:44+08:00

Travelling during the festive period


We would like to advise the following should you be travelling during the festive seasons especially to China. Monitor your health closely for 2 weeks upon return to Singapore and seek medical attention promptly if you feel unwell, and also inform your doctor of your travel history. If you have a fever or respiratory symptoms [...]

Travelling during the festive period2020-01-30T17:34:41+08:00



猎头顾问--帮你寻找善生环境   “橘生淮南则为橘,生于淮北则为枳”   所谓善生环境不仅仅是指月薪福利和待遇,而是指你处在一个被支持的环境,你周围的人都是对你友好的。在这样的环境里进行潜心的研究,专注于自身的积累和各方面能力的提升将会是一段很愉悦的人生经历。   随着医生多点执业的开放,越来越多的医生有机会接触到更丰富的私立医疗环境以及国际医疗环境。相对于公立医院,国际医疗环境的优势在于舒适的就诊环境、足够的看诊时间、相对固定的病人、友善的工作氛围,有条不紊的工作节奏等等。所有这些似乎都更接近于医疗从业人员的初心—人文关怀。也许在你医学生涯的开始,你花很多时间在思考你的病人,但是随着临床经验的大量累积,每天上百挂号的病人,不知从何时开始,你所思考的就只有病情了。   “生于忧患,死于安乐”   走出舒适圈是一件很难的事情,因为舒适圈能给人安全感。而安全感恰恰是一个很强大的主人,他把囚禁的奴隶与世界隔绝,命令他们哪儿不许去,什么都不许做。   对于那些不甘于被舒适圈囚禁的医疗从业人员,事实是,世界那么大,那些充满自信和希望的人需要如何有效的寻找自己的善生环境呢?答案是通过专业人士- 猎头顾问。一个专业猎头顾问能够凭借丰富的工作经验解答你所有关心的问题,帮你梳理出有针对性的可行性方案。有了这些方案框架,下一步你就可以在猎头的帮助下细化你的面试各阶段流程,部署未来的工作和生活了。这个阶段划重点的关键词就是沟通。   猎头顾问是沟通这门艺术的专业人士。他们不仅能够准确的匹配医疗机构的需求和求职医护人员的需求,而且能够帮助双方更好的了解彼此关注和忽视的问题。比如对于一个希望去海外行医的医生,他所关心的很可能是海外当地的行医资格认证、语言要求、居住情况、如何面试等等。猎头顾问能够有效帮助你直接解答大部分问题,帮助沟通协调招聘单元和应聘者的不对等和不一致需求,避免因文化差异带来的面试障碍等。   专业VS “二大碗”   一个好朋友说她妈妈批评她变得特别浪费,原因是看到她家酒柜里放了好多种酒杯, 红酒杯、香槟杯、烈酒杯、啤酒杯…妈妈觉得所有这些杯子都可以被一个“二大碗”所代替。仔细思考不难理解,两代人观念的差距来自于对需求细化的差距。而需求的细化是为了让资源物尽其用,发挥它最大的价值,呈现它最好的状态。所以,红酒杯不辜负的是凌晨冰天雪地晚收的葡萄;专业猎头不辜负的是你简历上写出的经历和写不出的对美好未来的向往。   休对故人思故国,且将新火试新茶,诗酒趁年华。    


Healthcare Executives


Healthcare systems vary across countries. And even within a country, there are differing healthcare companies with varied target market segments of care. The management of healthcare companies requires the ideal combination skill sets of both professional managers and clinicians. This way, management of this unique professional field in hospitals, medical centers and [...]

Healthcare Executives2017-06-12T13:57:58+08:00

Workplace Health Professionals


Healthcare at work is increasingly recognised as an important aspect of the healthcare system in many countries. The in-house or occupational health physician plays a key role, in managing the medical conditions of the workplace and views from the primary care perspective. Taking into account the workplace environment, culture and safety needs [...]

Workplace Health Professionals2017-05-14T18:09:35+08:00

Qualities of a Good Community Physician


Community healthcare is the cornerstone of the healthcare system in many countries. The community or family physician plays a key role, in managing the medical conditions of the community and views from the primary care perspective. Taking into account the social environment, family, friends and relationships which his or her patient [...]

Qualities of a Good Community Physician2020-07-01T21:09:04+08:00
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