Resigning from your job can be a stressful experience and it is important to have planned your exit so you do not forget important things as you are in the process of leaving your employer.

  • Clean Up Your Computer. Clean up your computer even before you give notice because your employer may decide to let you go immediately and may show you out the door. You shouldn’t have personal data on your work computer, but if you do, delete personal files, folders and email messages. However do ensure you have the contact information for everyone you need to maintain contact with after you’ve left. Also, be aware that this data may still be retrievable through an IT forensic process.
  • Don’t Put it in Writing. You may loathe and hate your job, your situation, or the company but don’t say it. Review what you should and shouldn’t say when you’re resigning. Resignation letters are usually kept in your employment file and can return to haunt you, even, long after you are gone.
  • Get the Details. You need to review your employment contract and be conversant with both the notice period and the details of the employee benefits and salary. When you tell your employer you’re resigning, review the details on the employee benefits and salary you are entitled with HR. If you have a pension plan, this is the time to trash out the details of remaining or leaving the scheme.
  • Planning To Give Notice. Unless the situation is untenable, serving your contractually agreed notice is standard practice when resigning. If you wish to leave sooner, it’s appropriate to ask if you can leave sooner.
  • Writing a Resignation Letter. Take the time to write a formal resignation letter even if you resign via email or verbally. You don’t need to put down much more than you’re leaving and when your last day of work will be.
  • Review What You Will Say to Colleagues. When speaking with co-workers, avoid the negatives and try emphasising the positive and how the company has benefited you. Also, don’t brag about your next job, it may make your life more difficult in the future.
  • Asking for a Reference. You may be tempted to ask your boss and colleagues if they would be willing to give you a reference before you hand in your resignation. Avoid this. It is better to do so if you do so after tendering your notice to avoid misunderstandings.