We continue the series on good interview tips with the second instalment.

3. Arrive On Time

Be punctual for your interview. In fact, arrive 15 to 30 minutes before the appointed time.

Arriving earlier will allow you time to get settled and be properly psyched and prepared for the interview ahead.

Turning up late is inexcusable. You want to start the interview positively and not with a
a lame excuse for being late.

4. Create a Good First Impression

Your prospective employer wants to know if you’re a good fit for the company’s culture, if you’re going to get along well with the other employees, and treat other staff politely and respectfully.

The first impression you make with the interviewer can make or break prospect of landing the job.

Make a strong first impression by arriving on time, dressing appropriately, smiling, making eye contact, showing your enthusiasm, and extending a firm handshake.

5. Express Enthusiasm and Exude Confidence

We all know that smiling is contagious, well so is enthusiasm.

If you want the interviewer to be enthusiastic about you as a candidate, show your enthusiasm for the interview and that you’re enthusiastic about the job.

Your body language should also communicate your enthusiasm. Sit up straight, smile, and make regular eye contact. Try and project your voice, and make sure your responses are not monotone or dull.

Answer difficult questions directly and sincerely, but always end your answer with a positive spin. Never badmouth your previous employer. Keep the interview focused on you, your qualities, and why you’re the ideal candidate for the job.

Studies show that interviewers form a strong opinion about a job candidate in the first 20 minutes of the interview. Showing enthusiasm and maintaining a strong positive attitude is key to making a good first impression.