Jobs for healthcare professionals are aplenty. In fact, healthcare related jobs are mostly resilient to economic downturns. With many hospitals and medical centers developing in the region and the growing elderly population, healthcare professionals are highly sought after.

Nevertheless, employers are not lowering their expectations and requirements to ensure they get the best of these professionals. Potential employees with high EQ and IQ are needed to serve in complex healthcare systems where both patient experience and clinical outcomes are of paramount importance.

A resume is a key component of a job application. It helps provide the potential employer with an overall impression of the potential candidate’s achievements, experience, attitude and professionalism.

Here, we share some key pointers from our experience and feedback from employers on shortlisting ideal candidates.

  • Do keep your resume length to a limit of 2 to 3 pages
  • Don’t put unrelated part-time or temporary job placements, especially if less than 1 year
  • Don’t put unrelated interests or hobbies that will not contribute to the employer’s interest. DO mention only interests or hobbies that positions you well as a candidate. Eg. Being a volunteer on medical missions to improve healthcare in impoverished communities

  • Don’t use clichés to pad your resume Eg. “Team player”. Substitute with appropriate words, use descriptive terms “cooperates and collaborates easily with other staff”

  • Do include a clear summary of your skills, in particular clinical attachments and skills upgrading which are of relevance

  • Do highlight your past and present achievements and NOT just the description of your job responsibilities

  • A photo is often not necessary unless it is requested. If you do use a photo, do ensure you use a professionally taken photo with a plain background. The last thing employers want to see on the first page of your resume is a “selfie” or a cropped picture of yourself

  • Don’t write negative comments about your current employer or yourself. You can be truthful about any of these issues only when specifically asked during interview

We hope these simple pointers will be a guide while you are drafting your resume and offer you a quick checklist should you already have a resume.

Always remember, first impression counts during a job application and your resume precedes any interviews!

-By TALENOS Editorial Team

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