We continue our series with the next few tips.

3. 2 to 3 A4 pages are enough

You don’t need pages and pages of paper to demonstrate your capabilities.

The hirer is likely impatient with a stack of other CVs to go through.

List the main responsibilities and main achievements in the different companies you worked at. Make sure the construction of your CV showcases your abilities and experience without writing a novel.

Make it to the point.

4. Making the most of your skills

Highlight key skills that can help you to stand out from the crowd.

Examples may include ~ presentation skills, IT knowledge, team player, problem solving, speaking a foreign language etc.

Skills can come out of the most unlikely places, so try to analyse what you’ve done among all your past experiences that helped develop your skills today. These examples may be from being in a local sports team or joining a voluntary group, all can be relevant.